
Thursday, September 17, 2015


You can ask me whatever you want to know about Korea and Korean grammar.
Please leave a comment bellow :D

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  1. Hi! I just found your blog and it's kind of sad that you're not posting anymore :(( I hope you're safe and happy! thank you so much for every post you've made :)

    1. hi!. i am safe and happy like always. thank you for visiting my blog. i want to post more but have no time for it. i will try to write something. thank you again.

  2. Can you please explain the difference between the following 2 negative verb endings. I am confused and my teacher is unable to explain it to me....

    Verb 지 않아요
    Verb 지 않잖아요

    Thank you in advance


    1. hello Ian!!

      they are so tricky for not-native speakers. actually it is hard for even native speakers to explain how different they are.

      anyway, as you already know, 지 않아요 is a negative verb ending which is a short form of 지 아니하요(지 아니해요). and the meaning of 지 않아요 is simple, "do not + verb". for example, 먹지 않아요 means "(I) do not eat".

      however, 지 않잖아요 is really confusing. you can easily break it down into 지 아니하지아니하요(지 아니하지아니해요). you might noticed that it's double negative. and also you might guess that 지 않잖아요 is a affirmative sentence but you are wrong, it's a negative one.

      both of them are negative, then what is difference? 지 않아요 is more like a simple negative sentence and 지 않잖아요 is more like a negative double ckecking interrogative sentence. 지 않잖아요 can be translated to "do not + verb, isn't it?". you use "is it?" with a negative interrogative sentence but in this case we do not. and we do not say it with questioning accent.

      the point is, they are both negative endings, but little bit difference.

      i wish that i could explain more simple and easier. i hope you understand. if you need more help, feel free to ask. thank you Ian.

  3. hi! your blog is helpful for anyone who wants to learn Korean! I noticed however that the part relating to the "negation" is no longer available :(

    1. thank yog for letting me know there was a problem. i found a typo in "negation" link and fixed. it's now available. thank you again!!

  4. I am very happy to have found your blog. It is very clear and complete. I am a teacher myself, Spanish, and find the way you explain the rules easy to understand. Funny enough, now I find more similarities between Spanish and Korean ways of expression. I will be going to Korea soon, I hope I can implement what I have learn so far. Thank you
