
Saturday, September 2, 2017

Vladivostok, Russia (2017)

- an Old Korean Bus
It used to go around Daegu, Korea.
I was so shocked when I saw it, there are so many old Korean buses.

- Fountains and Sea Shore
in Arbat Street

- Statue Honoring Soviet Soldier, Trumpeter
in Central Park

- Statue of Honoring Soviet Soldiers
in Central Park

- Pure sky, Lots of Clouds
near Vladivostok Train Station

- a Sailor Wearing a Garland
I think he is waiting a Taxi to home

- a Proposal

- Flame Dance
They were dancing with fire

- a Coffee Shop
I cannot even read the name of the coffee shop, even now

- Submarine C-45 

- Borsch
Meat stew made with vegetables

- Pelmeni
Russian dumpling

 - Golden Horn Bay Bridge
from Eagle's Nest Hill 

- Locks
Many couples made a promise of eternal love

- a Night view of Golden Horn Bay Bridge
Nice view, water, trails of car lights

- Graffities
Graffities are literally everywhere in Vladivostok

- a View From the sky
I really hoped to see a view of North Korea.
But I could not see anything of North Korea because of too much clouds

- Time-Lapse

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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Auxiliary verbs IV (~어/아 있다, ~어/아하다, ~어/아지다)

~어/아 있다

The verb 있다 means “exist/stay/have”, as shown in the following examples:

As an auxiliary verb, ~어/아 있다 is mainly used with intransitive verbs and is used to indicate that the state brought about by the action of the main verb persists. Compare the following three sentences:

The first sentence simply states what Tommy does. The second sentence indicates the progressive action of the main verb. On the other hand, 어/아 있다 in the third sentence indicates that the state resulting from the main verb continues to exist. Consider another three sentences:

The first sentence simply indicates that the door opens. The second sentence indicates the progressive action. The third sentence, however, indicates the continuous state, brought about by the main verb 열리다(to be opened). Here are more examples of ~어/아 있다:

Meanwhile, a limited number of verbs of “wearing” do not take the ~어/아 있다 pattern but the ~고 있다 pattern to indicate the resultant state. For instance, to say “(I) am wearing socks” is 양말을 신고 있어요 not 양말을 신어 있어요.


The aforementioned auxiliary verbs are all mainly used with verbs. However, Korean has a limited number of auxiliary verbs that are used primarily with adjectives, such as ~어/아하다 and ~어/아지다.
In English, one can state how another person feels, using emotion- or sense-related adjectives, such as “sad”, “happy”, and “cold”. For instance, it is grammatically correct to say a sentence like “Lisa is sad” or “Peter is cold”. However, in Korean, one cannot use adjectives to express how a third person or people feel or think. Since Korean emotive and/or sensory adjectives denote unobservable internal feelings, a speaker cannot speak for how other people feel or think. Consequently, a sentence like 리사가 슬퍼요(Lisa is sad) is grammatically incorrect.
In order to speak for a third person’s or people’s feelings or emotions, one has to change an emotive or sensory adjective into a verb form, using the auxiliary verb construction ~어/아하다, as shown below:

For instance, compare the following three sentences:

Notice that when the subject of the sentence is the third person, a verb 피곤해하다(feel tired) is used instead of the adjective 피곤하다(be tired). In addition, note that unlike other auxiliary verb compounding structures that normally require a space between the main verb and the auxiliary verb, as in 열어 놓다(open for later), ~어/아하다 does not leave a space between the main adjective and 하다 . This is due to the Korean spelling convention.
Meanwhile, when speaking of another person’s emotion or feeling in the past tense, one can use an adjective. This is because the speaker could have information about the third person’s internal feeling. Consider the following examples:

Notice that 슬펐어요 as well as 슬퍼했어요 are both acceptable, since both refer to the third person’s feeling in the past tense.


The verb 지다 means “bear/owe”, as shown in the following examples:

However, as an auxiliary verb, ~어/아 지다 is typically used with an adjective, and it is used to express a gradually intensified change that occurs in the meaning of the adjective. It can be translated as “become/begin to be/get to be” in English. For instance, compare the following two sentences:

Notice in the second sentence that ~어/아지다 changes the adjective 춥다(cold) into an intransitive verb, 추워지다(becomes cold). In addition, the auxiliary verb ~어/아지다 adds the meaning of progressive change in the meaning of the adjective. Moreover, just like ~어/아하다, ~어/아지다 does not leave a space between the main adjective and 지다. Here are more examples:

* Click to read related posts.
Grammar for Intermediates
Irregular verbs and adjectives (불규칙동사와 형용사)
Auxiliary verbs I
Auxiliary verbs II
Auxiliary verbs III
Auxiliary verbs IV

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Friday, January 27, 2017

Auxiliary verbs III (~어/아 주다, ~어/아 놓다, ~어/아 두다)

~어/아 주다

The verb 주다 means “give”, as shown in the following examples:

However, as an auxiliary verb, ~어/아 주다 means “do something as a
favor (for someone)”.

Compare the following two sentences:

Notice that the first sentence simply expresses that David came to the party. On the other hand, the second sentence signifies that David came to the party for the benefit of the speaker or somebody. Here are more examples:

However, one can optionally use 위해서(on the behalf of) when wishing to explicitly state who the beneficiary was.

~어/아 드리다 vs. ~어/아 주다

Meanwhile, if the beneficiary of the action is an esteemed person, ~어/아 드리다 is used instead of ~어/아 주다. Compare the following two sentences:

The second sentence with ~어/아 주다 is inappropriate since the beneficiary of the action is an esteemed person. Here are more examples:

Requesting ~어/아 주세요

The verb 주시다 is the honorific form of 주다. ~어/아 주세요 is used when requesting something politely. It is equivalent to “please do (something for me/someone)”. Compare the following two sentences:

Both sentences can be used for requesting. However, the second sentence with ~어/아 주세요 is more polite than the first sentence. Here are more examples:

~어/아 놓다(or ~어/아 두다)

The verb 놓다 means “release/place/put down”, as in:

However, as an auxiliary verb, what ~어/아 놓다 can express is twofold. First, ~어/아 놓다 is used to indicate the continuation of a certain action or state after the completion of the action or state. For instance, compare the following sentences:

The verb 켜다 means “turns on (an electric lamp)”. Notice that the action of the main verb 켜다 is completed for both sentences, since they are marked by the past tense. However, while the first sentence simply indicates the past action, the second sentence with the auxiliary verb ~어/아 놓다 indicates the continuation of the completed action. Here are more examples:

Second, ~어/아 놓다 means “doing something for later (future use)”. Compare the following two sentences:

Notice that the first sentence simply indicates the past action, 마셨어요(drank). However, the auxiliary verb ~어/아 놓다 in the second sentence indicates that the past action was done for later. Here are more examples:

Alternatively, the verb 두다 can be used instead of 놓다. The verb 두다 means “place/keep”, as shown in the following examples:

As an auxiliary verb, the meaning of ~어/아 두다 is similar to that of ~어/아 놓다. In fact ~어/아 두다 and ~어/아 놓다 can be used interchangeably, as shown below:

* Click to read related posts.
Grammar for Intermediates
Irregular verbs and adjectives (불규칙동사와 형용사)
Auxiliary verbs I
Auxiliary verbs II
Auxiliary verbs III
Auxiliary verbs IV

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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Auxiliary verbs II (~어/아 내다, ~어/아 버리다, ~고 말다)

~어/아 내다

The verb 내다 means “produce/put forth” as in 용기를 내세요(Put forth courage) or 속도를 내세요(Speed up, lit. Produce speed). However, as an auxiliary verb, ~어/아 내다 means “do all the way (to the very end)”. It is used to express that although a certain task/action is troublesome or difficult, he/she completes the action to the very end (or does all the way). Compare the following two examples:

Notice that the first sentence simply indicates that the speaker finished reading the book in one day. On the other hand, the second sentence with ~어/아 내다 implies that although reading the book within a day was a difficult task, the speaker did it anyway. Here are more examples:

~어/아 버리다

The verb 버리다 means “throw (it) away/dismiss/abandon”, as shown in the following examples:

However, as an auxiliary verb ~어/아 버리다 means “do completely/end up doing/get (it) done”. Compare the following sentences:

The basic meanings of both sentences are the same. However, the message of the second sentence is stronger than the first sentence, since ~어/아 버리다 adds the meaning of “completeness of the action”.
~어/아 버리다 is similar to ~어/아 내다 in a sense that both are used to indicate the completeness of an action. However, unlike ~어/아 내다, ~어/아 버리다 does not imply that the completed action was a difficult task. Instead, depending on the context, ~어/아 버리다 is used to express a sense of regret or relief. Consider the following examples:

Losing a wallet is undesirable. Consequently, ~어/아 버리다 in the second sentence adds the sense of regret, while the first sentence simply states the past action. It indicates that losing a wallet is not what the speaker had expected or wished for. Here are more examples that may denote a sense of regret:

~어/아 버리다 can also signify a sense of relief. Consider the following two sentences:

Notice that the referential messages of both sentences are the same. However, ~어/아 버리다 in the second sentence adds a sense of relief since the task has come to an end. Here are more examples that indicate a sense of relief:

~고 말다

The verb 말다 means “stop”, as in 눈이 오다가 말았어요(It snowed but then it stopped). However, as an auxiliary verb, ~고 말다 means “end up (doing)”, and it implies that the completed action is against the subject’s intention or wish. It is used when the action is carried out despite the subject’s previous effort or wishes against the completed action. Compare the following two sentences:

Notice that the completed action (dying) is against the subject’s will. Here are more examples:

* Click to read related posts.
Grammar for Intermediates
Irregular verbs and adjectives (불규칙동사와 형용사)
Auxiliary verbs I
Auxiliary verbs II
Auxiliary verbs III
Auxiliary verbs IV

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