
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Other Particles-2 (마다, 마저, 조차, 밖에)


The particle 마다 means “every” or “each”, as shown in the examples below:

마저 and 조차

The particles 마저 or 조차 are used to express “even”. Consider the following examples:

The meanings of 마저 and 조차 are similar to that of 까지(even). However, differing from 까지, the particles 마저 and 조차 are in general associated with unfavorable or unsought contents. Compare the following two sentences:

Although the translation of both examples are the same, the second example with 마저 implies that meeting Thomas’ girlfriend was not a favorable event, whereas the first example with 까지 simply indicates “including (even)”. Here are more examples:


The particle 밖에 is used to indicate “only” or “nothing but” in English. The meaning of 밖에 is similar to that of 만(only). However, differing from 만, the particle 밖에 always co-occurs with the negative predicate. For instance, compare the following sentences:

Notice that although the meanings of both sentences are similar, the second sentence ends in a negative 없어요(do not have). Here are more examples:

* Click to read related posts.
Grammar for Intermediates
Particles Part.1 (What are the particles in Korean)
Particles Part.2 (Case Particles)
Particles Part.3 (Special Particles)
Other Particles-1 (보다, 처럼, 같이, 만큼)

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Monday, October 3, 2016

Other Particles-1 (보다, 처럼, 같이, 만큼)


The particle 보다 is used to make a comparative sentence. This particle isㅠattached to a noun that is being compared, and it is translated as “more than” or “rather than.” Consider the following example:

Notice that Tom’s room is the noun that is being compared to Jane’s room. Adverbs such as 더(more), 덜(less) and 훨씬(by far) can be used along with the particle 보다 to put more emphasis on the comparison, as shown below:

Here are more examples:

처럼 and 같이

The particle 처럼 is used to compare one noun with another. It is translated as “as if” and “like”. Consider the following examples:

The meaning of the particle 같이 is similar to that of 처럼, as shown below:


The particle 만큼 is used to express “as much as” or “to the extent to that”. Consider the following examples:

* Click to read related posts.
Grammar for Intermediates
Particles Part.1 (What are the particles in Korean)
Particles Part.2 (Case Particles)
Particles Part.3 (Special Particles)
Other Particles-2 (마다, 마저, 조차, 밖에)

* If you see any error in this post, let me know. Your help makes my blog better.

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