Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Korean Vowel Letters (모음)

The Basic Vowel Letters(모음, moeum)

These are basic vowel letters(모음, moeum) of 한글. The pronunciation & the names are under each letters.

* The pronunciation & the names of basic vowel letters 
The pronunciation & the names are same. As I wrote in previous post, 모음 can be used only for 중성. So each pronunciation of 모음 is always same. Memorizing it is much easier than 자음.
The Combined Vowel Letters

These are combined 모음 of 한글. These are made by combination of basic vowel letters. ㅐ is made of ㅏ and l(이). ㅘ is made of ㅗ and ㅏ. The pronunciation & the names are under each letters.

* The pronunciation & the names of combined vowel letters 
The pronunciation & the names are same. As I wrote in previous post, 모음 can be used only for 중성. So each pronunciation of 모음 is always same. Memorizing it is much easier than 자음.
Actually, even Korean people, can not distinguish some pronunciation of combined vowel letters, ㅐ and ㅔ, ㅒ and ㅖ, ㅙ and ㅚ. Pronunciation is almost same. The only way to distinguish those pronunciation is memorizing vocabulary and learning grammar.

* Click to Read related posts
Grammar for Beginners
Korean Basic Consonant Letters(자음)
Korean Double Consonant Letters(쌍자음)

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