
Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Special particle 「부터, 까지」


The particle 부터(from) is used to indicate a beginning temporal point. Consider the following examples:

We learned that the particle 에 can be used after the time expression as well. However, as seen above, while the particle 에 simply means “at”, the particle 부터(from) indicates a starting temporal point.


The particle 까지 indicates an ending point, and it corresponds to “to”, “up to”, “until” or “as far as” in English. When the particle is used with a place noun, it indicates an ending location, as in:

When the particle is used with a temporal noun, it indicates an ending temporal point, as in:

The particle 까지 can be used with a non-time and/or a non-place noun, such as persons, clothes, and so forth. When it is used with a non-place or a non-time noun, the particle 까지 means “including (even)”. Consider the following examples:

[starting]부터 [ending]까지

The particles 부터 and 까지 are often used together to express “from [time expression] to [time expression]”.

In a similar manner, the particles 에서 and 까지 frequently show up together to indicate “from [location] to [location]”.

* Click to read related posts.
Grammar for Beginners
Particles Part.1 (What are the particles in Korean)
Particles Part.2 (Case Particles)
Particles Part.3 (Special Particles)
The Special Particle 「은/는」
The Special Particle 「만」
The Special Particle 「도」
The Special Particle 「이나」

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