
Monday, August 17, 2015

Grammar for Beginners

Grammar for Beginners

How The Korean Alphabet Is Written

Korean Basic Consonant Letters (자음)

Korean Double Consonant Letters (쌍자음)

Korean Vowel Letters (모음)

The Differences Between English and Korean

Nouns (명사)

Predicates of Sentences

Top 11 Tips for Learning Korean

Endings of Sentences

The Deferential Speech Level

The Polite Speech Level

Personal Pronouns (인칭대명사)

Copula (Be & Be Not, 이다 & 아니다)

Particles Part.1 (What are the particles in Korean)

Particles Part.2 (Case Particles)
The Subject Case Particle 「이/가」
The Direct Object Particle 「을/를」
The Case particle 「(으)로」
The Case particle 「의」
The Case particle 「에」
The Case particle 「와/과, (이)랑, 하고」
The Case particle 「에서」
The Case particle 「한테, 에게, 께」
The Case particle 「한테서, 에게서」

Particles Part.3 (Special Particles)
The Special Particle 「은/는」
The Special Particle 「만」
The Special Particle 「도」
The Special Particle 「이나」
The Special Particle 「부터, 까지」

Numbers & Ordinals (숫자와 서수)

Counter Nouns (Numeral Classifier, 분류사)

Question Words (의문사) & Indefinite Pronouns (부정대명사)

The Verb of Existence and Location (있다 & 없다)

Past tense and double past tense (과거시제)

Korean Is One of the Hardest Languages to Learn (for native English speakers)

Negation (부정문)

Irregular verbs and adjectives (불규칙동사와 형용사)

Grammar for Intermediates

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